SHUEISHA Privacy Policy

Shueisha Inc. (hereinafter, “Our Company”), while establishing “Basic Policy of Shueisha on How to Treat Personal Information” to protect privacy of those who use the websites operated by Our Company, announces this privacy policy on how Our Company processes customers' personal data including customers' personal information. Definitions of the terms used in this guideline are as follows

* “Personal Information”

“Personal Information” shall have the same meaning as that of the “personal information” defined in “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” (Act No. 57 of May 30, 2003, amended on September 3, 2015, hereinafter “APPI”), i.e., information containing name, address etc., through which a specific individual can be identified, and information containing an individual identification code including license number of driver's license and face recognition data. Information, through which a specific individual cannot be identified, but readily identified by collated with other information, shall be also included in Personal Information.

* “Personal Related Information”

“Personal Related Information” shall mean information related to certain individual including access log information associated with internet use, while not sufficient to identify a specific individual, distinctive in that one can recognize as “information related to a certain individual.” This includes information concerning information communication equipment (e.g., identifier including identification code unique to each equipment and location data), browsing history of webpages etc. available through cookie identifier etc., email address or account ID, through which alone a specific individual cannot be identified.

* “Personal Data”

“Personal Data” shall be a concept regarding customer's privacy and collective term for both of “Personal Information” and “Personal Related Information.”

* “Statistical Information”

“Statistical Information” shall mean modified Personal Related Information for statistical purpose so that the information can no longer be associated with a specific individual.

1.Collection of Personal Data

Our Company collects Personal Data in any of the following cases:

  1. (1) Input by a customer through information communication equipment;
  2. (2) Submission of document etc. directly by a customer;
  3. (3) Automatically collected in association with use and/or browsing by a customer of service, contents, goods, advertisement etc.;
  4. (4) Provision by a third party, to whom a customer has consented; and
  5. (5) Or otherwise collecting lawfully.

2.Purpose of Processing Personal Information

The purposes for which Our Company collects Personal Information are as follows:

  1. (1) To provide content and other services that meet the needs of our customers, and for this purpose, to conduct research and analysis using our product purchase history, service usage history, survey campaign application history, event participation history content and advertising viewing history, etc.
  2. (2) To provide customers with recommendations, such as the provision of content and other services suited to their needs and the distribution of advertisements, based on the results of the research and analysis described in (1) above.
  3. (3) To deliver or charge for products or prizes ordered or applied for, and to award points to customers
  4. (4) To confirm and use necessary contact information to carry out the aforementioned (2) and (3) (including verification with financial institutions and credit card companies involved in the payment process)
  5. (5) To communicate the results of surveys and events to those who cooperate or participate in it them, or to those who have entered prize drawings or raffle sales
  6. (6) To inform customers about products, prizes, events, and other services
  7. (7) To improve and enhance our services and develop new services (including related research and analysis similar to (1) above)
  8. (8) To respond to customer inquiries
  9. (9) To prevent and respond to fraudulent activities, etc.
  10. (10) To provide information on products, prizes, events and other services from partner companies, etc., and to deliver products, prizes, questionnaires, etc. provided by other companies, etc.
  11. (11) To notify customers of the establishment, change, or abolition of our terms and conditions, etc.
  • * Should there be any specific provision as to a purpose of use for a certain Personal Information, Our Company shall process such Personal Information in accordance with such provision. The same shall apply to the cases where Our Company receives Personal Information from a third party, to whom a customer has consented and should there be any specific provision as to a purpose of use therefor.
  • * A customer can, at its judgment, choose whether to provide Personal Information to Our Company, provided that a customer understands that, when he/she chooses not to provide, he/she may not use the services etc. Our Company provides.

3.Processing of Personal Related Information (Access Log etc.)

Our Company shall use Personal Related Information including access log for the purposes described below. Our Company may use Personal Related Information in connection with Personal Information Our Company collects. In such an event, Our Company shall limit the purpose to “Purpose of Processing Personal Information” prescribed in this privacy policy. For details, please read here.

  1. (1) To confirm the identity of the customer
  2. (2) To research and analyze customer needs, etc.
  3. (3) To provide content, services, etc. that meet the needs of our customers.
  4. (4) To provide customers with recommendations through advertisements, e-mails, etc.
  5. (5) To communicate the results of surveys and events to those who cooperate or participate in them, or to those who have entered prize drawings or raffle sales
  6. (6) To confirm and use necessary contact information for the delivery of products, prizes, etc., billing, and point allocation to customers, etc.
  7. (7) To prevent and respond to fraud, etc.
  8. (8) To improve customer experience and service quality.

4.Joint Use of Personal Data

Our Company and group companies of Our Company may jointly use Personal Information collected by them within Shueisha Group. For detail of joint use, please read here.

5.Provision of Personal Information to Contractor

Our Company may commission process of Personal Information to a third party located in Japan to the extent necessary for the prescribed purpose of processing. Our Company shall limit the contractors for such commission to those Our Company deems reliable, and Our Company shall, in accordance with Our Company's Personal Information Guideline, take necessary measures so that customers' Personal Information is properly protected by such contractors. Our Company may commission to a foreign third party and provides Personal Information to such a third party within the scope permitted by APPI. So, for example, Our Company ensures that such a third party has established system necessary to continuously comply with rules corresponding to APPI.

6.Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party

Our Company shall not provide collected Personal Information to a third party without obtaining prior consent from a customer; provided that Our Company may provide Personal Information to a third party in any of the following cases:

  1. (1) Cases based on laws and regulations including inquiry pursuant to Criminal Procedure Law;
  2. (2) Cases where it is necessary to protect a human life, body or property, and it is difficult to obtain a his/her consent
  3. (3) Cases where there is a special need to enhance public hygiene or promote sound fostering of children;
  4. (4) Cases where requested to provide by public authorities such as state and Our Company deems appropriate to cooperate.
  • * Our Company may provide to a third party collected Personal Information as anonymously processed information, after properly processing the same so as not to be able to identify a specific individual in accordance with laws and regulations or as Statistical Information, by which specific individual cannot be identified.
  • * When Our Company provides Personal Information to a third party upon customers' prior approval, Our Company requires those who received Personal Information in writing to control said Personal Information appropriately and safely.

7.Control etc. of Personal Information

Our Company shall control collected Personal Information properly in accordance with “Basic Policy on How to Control Personal Information of Shueisha.” For details of process of information and security control etc., please read here.

8.Disclosure, Correction etc. of Personal Information

To request notification of the purpose of use of customer personal information, disclosure of personal information or third-party provision records, correction, addition, or deletion of the content of personal information, suspension or deletion of the use of personal information, or suspension of third-party provision, please submit a request form. If you reside in Japan, you will be required to follow the procedures specified by us, and we will contact you after receiving your form.

9.Link to Outside Websites

The website operated by Our Company may include links to outside websites. In no event shall Our Company be responsible or liable for handling or protection of personal information or contents at outside websites. In case customer has any question or opinion, please ask relevant websites directly.

10.Amendment of Privacy Policy

Our Company may amend whole or part of this privacy policy from time to time in order to meet the changes of business of Our Company and/or amendment of laws and regulations concerning protection of Personal Information. In case of amendment, Our Company announces on such amendment in advance at this website for a certain period of time.

11.Inquiry on Personal Information

If a customer has any inquiry concerning treatment of Personal Information by Our Company, please contact here. Depending upon the inquiry, Our Company may confirm identity of the person who has made inquiry before responding such inquiry.

[Details of Shueisha Privacy Policy]

3.Use of Personal Related Information (Access Log etc.)
  • - Details of Personal Related Information including access log etc. Our Company collects are as follows:
  1. (1) Collection of Access Log

    When a customer accesses website operated by Our Company, Our Company collects certain information as access log and stores the same for a certain period of time. The information included in the access log are: These include the date and time of access, URL accessed, number of accesses, IP address, type of OS and browser used, referrer information (information on which website a user used to accessed a website operated by our Company), etc. The information does not include information, through which a certain individual can be identified, e.g., name or address of the customer. Information contained in access logs is collected by methods such as the use of cookies and other terminal identifiers that identify the customer's browser, and is used as part of our service improvement efforts.

  2. (2) Use of Cookie

    Cookie means small data file transferred and received between web server and customer's browser when a customer uses the webpages. When a customer sets his/her personal computer or mobile phone as accepting cookie (allowing acceptance of cookie), cookie is stored in a certain area of used personal computer or mobile phone. When a customer accesses the same website again, website operator can change indication of the website by information available through cookie depending on each customer. While Our Company can identify customer's browser through cookie, Our Company cannot identify a customer only based on cookie. Some of the websites operated by Our Company use cookie.

  3. (3) Setting of Cookie

    Customer can change the setting of browser so that customer rejects acceptance of cookie, or warning indication appears when a customer accepts cookie (For detailed information, please confirm “help” menu of customer's browser.)

  4. (4) Third Party Cookie

    On the website Our Company operates, third parties, partner companies of Our Company or sponsor companies may, by Our Company's permission, send to, accept from and use their cookies on customers for the purposes, for example, of developing new services and improving existing services including indicating personalized content and advertisement for customer's review based on one's attribute that does not include each customer's Personal Information; indicating advertisement of Our Company on various websites on the internet; analyzing use of service of Our Company by customer (including measuring effect of advertisement and content indicated on the website operated by Our Company). Cookies collected through such process are stored not at Our Company's server but at those of partner companies and third parties and treated in accordance with applicable privacy policy of each company. Customer can invalidate such cookie information retained by partner company or third parties by accessing opt-out (invalidate) page of each company by yourself.

  5. (5) Behavioral Targeting Advertisement

    A service, categorizing customers according to their interests and preferences based on their behavioral history and displaying relevant internet advertisement depending on such categorization, is called as behavioral targeting advertisement. Part of the advertisement displayed on the websites operated by Our Company are distributed by partners of Our Company. Some of such advertisement includes behavioral targeting advertisement by using cookie etc. As to opt-out (invalidation) of behavioral targeting advertisement by partner companies, please visit each website of such partner companies and take necessary steps.

4. Joint Use of Personal Information

Our Company jointly use Personal Information collected by customers, as follows:

  1. (1) Information subject to Joint Use:

    • - All the information related to customer's Personal Information Our Company has collected.
  2. (2) Who jointly use:

    • - Shueisha and its group companies. To see the list of Shueisha's group companies, please see here.
  3. (3) Purpose of Processing:

    • - As stated in “Purpose of Processing Personal Information” in “SHUEISHA Privacy policy.”
  4. (4) Name of Person in Charge of Control of Personal Information Subject to Joint Use

    • - Shueisha Inc.:
7.Control etc. of Personal Information

The websites operated by Our Company adopt high security server software (digital certificate for web server) named SSL (Secure Socket Layers) applicable when a customer inputs Personal Information. This is the most common security system in the world, which encrypts Personal Information so that a third party cannot review the content. By adopting this technology, Our Company seeks to establish secure website protected from risks associated with internet including wiretapping, tampering and ID theft of Personal Information.

11. Inquiry concerning Personal Information
  1. (1) Our Company may introduce or send services, goods or survey by direct mail, facsimile or email etc. based on Personal Information and/or Personal Related Information Our Company possesses. If you want to unsubscribe, please so report here.

  2. (2) For any other inquiry, please contact here.

[For EEA/UK Individuals]
The following information also applies:

12.The identity and contact details of the controller's representative

  • - EU Representative company name: Data Protection Representative Limited
  • - address: France DataRep, 72 rue de Lessard, Rouen, 76100, France
  • - e-mail:

13.Contact details for the data protection officer, where applicable


address: 2-5-10, Shueisha inc. Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8050, JAPAN

14.The purposes and legal basis for the processing

Purposes*Legal Basis
2.-(1) through 2-(2) / 2.-(6) through 2.-(7) / 2.-(10)Consent
2.-(3) through 2-(5) /2.-(8) through 2-(9) / 2.-(11)For the performance of a contract
3.-(1) /3.-(5) through 3.-(7)For the performance of a contract
3.-(2) through 3.-(4) / 3.-(8)Consent
  • * The numbers in these columns correspond to those stated above, e.g., the purpose specified as “2-(1)” means “to provide content and other services that meet the needs of our customers, and for this purpose, to conduct research and analysis using our product purchase history, service usage history, survey campaign application history, event participation history, content and advertising viewing history, etc,” as stated in 2-(1) above.

15.Recipients (or categories of recipients) of the personal data

Please see 4 through 6 above.

16.The storage period (or if not possible, criteria used to determine that period)

  • - Consent to collect and use Cookie: 7 days
  • - IP address:90 days

17.The rights of the data subject to: access; rectification; erasure; restriction on processing; objection to processing and portability.

Please click here and enter your request regarding personal data.

18.Where processing is based on consent (or explicit consent), the right to withdraw consent at any time

Essential Cookies used in this site are necessary to provide a data subject with the services he/she needs. Rejecting this would prevent us from providing the service and the data subject cannot switch off in his/her system.

19.The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

In accordance with Article 77 of GDPR, a data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of his or her habitual residence,
place of work or of an alleged infringement of the GDPR.

20.Whether there is a statutory or contractual requirement to provide the information or whether it is necessary to enter into a contract or whether there is an obligation to provide the information and the possible consequences of failure.

Essential Cookies used in this site are necessary to provide a data subject with the services he/she needs and to ensure security, and are set in response to actions he/she takes to maintain his/her login status, retain his/her information input and settings, and remember his/her in-app activity history. The service is set up in response to actions taken by the data subject. Rejecting this would prevent us from providing the service and the data subject cannot switch off in his/her system.

History of the revisions:

  • Dated: -------August 5, 2024